Pending orders are very often used in various trading strategies. They are very convenient for opening orders at the price that the trader considers optimal for timely entry into the market and making a profit. But some systems provide for the opening of a large number of transactions. And there could be a problem. The fact is that pending orders sometimes lose their relevance over time. And in order to avoid unpleasant situations for a trader, they should be closed. To facilitate the performance of this task, a trader can use special tools that will qualitatively perform such work. The scripts for pending orders that I want to tell you about today are intended for this purpose. I think the trader needs to know about them, and if necessary, use them.
Del orders after VLINE script
This script allows you to quickly delete all pending orders that have been placed. Very simple and convenient tool. It accompanies the execution of the task with a visual representation of its actions. The chart shows the lines indicating the order closing levels. In addition, the information window displays the time left before the orders are closed. If desired, you can also change the initial setting. It’s just enough to drag the line where you want it. The Del orders after VLINE script is very popular among traders.
I recommend paying attention to this tool. He possesses…
with great possibilities and is easy to use. In the script settings you can
to activate the functions you need. The ATS.CloseOrders script allows
to close all pending orders. Can we just have him close the sales orders
or just buy orders. In addition, the script is used to close the
of open orders. It can be set up to close all profitable trades
or all the unprofitable deals. Scripts for pending orders are set in MT4 almost in the same way as indicators. The only difference is that you have to choose a folder called “Scripts” in the terminal directory and place the file of the selected script in it.I have told you more about the installation of indicators and scripts in MT4 in the article “Cheat sheet on Metatrader 4”. If you are interested in the scripts discussed in this article, you can download them by clicking on the link below.Scripts for pending ordersDownloadFyodorov’s Inga23.10.2019